
Pseudify can be used in 2 variants

  • via docker container (recommended)
  • via phar archive


The following components must be installed:

The docker container contains all the dependencies needed to run pseudify with all supported database types.

  • Start with the profile templates

Profile templates

The profile templates contain the basic configuration for pseudify and provide basic profiles for various applications.
They are the ideal basis for modelling the pseudonymisation of your application.

Download the profile templates:

docker run -it -v $(pwd):/app -u $(id -u):$(id -g) \
  composer create-project --no-dev --remove-vcs waldhacker/pseudify-profile-templates .
  • Create and edit the .env
cp .env.example .env
  • Test if everything works
docker run -it -v $(pwd):/data \ pseudify:information

PHAR Archiv


If the PHAR archive is used, the required dependencies must be installed manually.
The following components must be installed:

  • PHP 8.1

The following PHP extensions must be installed depending on which database types are used:

  • pdo_mysql (A MySQL driver that uses the pdo_mysql PDO extension)
  • mysqli (A MySQL driver that uses the mysqli extension)
  • pdo_pgsql (A PostgreSQL driver that uses the pdo_pgsql PDO extension)
  • pdo_sqlite (An SQLite driver that uses the pdo_sqlite PDO extension)
  • sqlite3 (An SQLite driver that uses the sqlite3 extension)
  • pdo_sqlsrv (A Microsoft SQL Server driver that uses pdo_sqlsrv PDO)
  • sqlsrv (A Microsoft SQL Server driver that uses the sqlsrv PHP extension)
  • pdo_oci (An Oracle driver that uses the pdo_oci PDO extension (not recommended by doctrine))
  • oci8 (An Oracle driver that uses the oci8 PHP extension)
  • pdo_ibm (An DB2 driver that uses the pdo_ibm PHP extension)
  • ibm_db2 (An DB2 driver that uses the ibm_db2 extension)
  • Start with the profile templates

Profile Templates

The profile templates contain the basic configuration for pseudify and provide basic profiles for various applications.
They are the ideal basis for modelling the pseudonymisation of your application.

Download the profile templates:

docker run -it -v $(pwd):/app -u $(id -u):$(id -g) \
  composer create-project --no-dev --remove-vcs waldhacker/pseudify-profile-templates .
  • Download the PHAR archive to the same folder where the pseudify profiles from the previous step were installed.
curl -sLo pseudify
chmod u+x pseudify
  • Create and edit the .env
cp .env.example .env
  • Test if everything works
./pseudify pseudify:information

Alternative installation location

The pseudify PHAR archive can also be installed in another location (e.g. globally under /usr/bin/pseudify).
The parameter --data can be used to tell pseudify the path to the pseudify profiles to be used.

/usr/bin/pseudify --data /home/project/path/to/pseudify-profile-templates pseudify:information